11 Interesting facts about dream

11 Interesting facts about dream

Dream is the fascinating and curious experience in life. The roman mythology, dreams were presented to the roman senate for dream study and analysis. They belief that communication from god.

Forget 90% Dreams

All of us forget 90% of dreams, within 5 minutes of waking half.

Dream for blind peoples

Blind peoples do not see any images. Because blind peoples have dream equally contributing their other seances such as smell, sound, touch and other emotions.

Everybody dreams

All people being dreams. Some persons think am not dreaming, but you just forgotten your dreams.

Animals Also Dreams

Studies have been done animals being dreams, but animal all allow the same brain waves throughout dreaming sleep as humans. Best example is dog, they sleeping occasionally, pawns move like running and it make yipping sounds and also chasing something is a dream.


Anxiety is the most common emotion expressed in dream. Negative emotion is more similar in positive emotion.

Everybody Dream in Color

12% peoples exclusively dream in black and white color. Still existing number of dream in more color. 4.4% of dream under 25 years old are in black and white color. Latest researches recommend that changing results may be linked to switch black and white film color media.

Animals also Dreams

Studies have been done animals being dreams, but animal all allow the same brain waves throughout dreaming sleep as humans. Best example is dog, they sleeping occasionally, pawns move like running and it make yipping sounds and also chasing something is a dream.

Men and Women Dream Differently

Men regularly to dream about other men. Because women's dreams include equal no of men and women. All men generally have lot of aggressive type of emotions in their dreams.

Dreams are Symbolic

Dreams speak far down in a symbolic language. We dream about some particular subject or thing is not often that the dream.

Dream we only see faces that already known

Human mind is not creating faces in dreams, real faces of the people that we have been seen during our life but may not remember.

Body Paralysis

Fast eye movement sleep the body is paralysis by mechanism in brain in order to stop the movement which occurs in dream from cause physical body to move.


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