By Gangadhar Kulkarni 380 weeks ago 874 Views
Happy Eating is the new buzzword in weight loss business. It refers to adopting eating habits which might help you to cut down unnecessary calories. It has been observed that we tend to eat more in certain conditions and we are unaware of it. This ends up adding extra calories in your diet. Below I have listed some common situation:
During Social Meetings:
This is the most common scenario, whenever we have a social gathering for any occasion, pressure from friends or relatives to have some extra sweets or extra bite is a must. So before you start eating, have your response ready if someone forces you, or look for available healthy alternatives you can eat instead. I know it’s not an easy task, but try to avoid if possible.
The Sight and Smell of Tempting Food:
Yes, sometimes we cannot stop ourselves eating tempting high-calorie fast food if we smell or see it. Avoid walking/standing/sitting near fast food paths/food mall. If you have taken fast food at home, store them at the inconvenient place or away from sight when you are not hungry.
Feeling Board and Tired:
Identify the times when you feel boar or hungry and fill them with activities other than eating such as take exercise break, cultivate new hobby or interest that keeps your mind and hand busy. For example, take a cycle ride, draw a painting, read your favorite novel or comic book.
Eating Mindlessly:
Turn off all distractions such as TV, laptop, phone, radio etc. and focus on eating. Eat slowly enjoying your food, put down your fork between bites so that you become aware of when you are satisfied.
Don’t Skip Meal:
Avoid skipping your meal or delaying meal and overeating later. Change your eating habits and make a plan of what you will eat ahead of time to avoid impulsive or emotional eating.
Try to avoid those situations or follow the above tips. I hope you will love these health tips specially tailored for you. Happy Eating Guys. !!!!!!!. Keep visiting YourDietMantra for more interesting information.
This post already published on YourDietMantra.
Gangadhar Kulkarni, owner of web development company is a Internet Marketing Professional having extensive experience in SEO & SMO. He is also founder of seogdk, a digital marketing blog where he shares information about SEO, SMO, SEM, blogging & web technologies by way of articles.
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