Cholesterol as the word feels like weird to hear. Our body need Cholesterol but, Cholesterol has some sort of good side as well as other part sounds threat to the human body. In order to prevent our body in #health condition, we need to maintain our cholesterol level to a medium rate. i.e It should maintain a boundary range around 100-129md per dL.
Our Body Maintains 2 kind of Cholesterol;
(i) LDL
(ii) HDL
LDL means Low-density Protein maintained cholesterols, as well as HDL, means High-density proteins maintained cholesterol which is good and other one sounds bad to our body when it overcomes the boundary.
How Cholesterol Effects?
Cholesterol starts affecting our body, while we go for non-nutritious foods or says while we have unhealthy fatty foods.Especially while we go behind red meats, having more than 2-3 eggs and while we go behind oil contained foods with high calories.
People gets feared on cholesterol's nowadays due to its entry at its earlier stage. But the experts says that it's good. Because while if this phenomenon effects at the stage of age before 40's can easily get rid of it by proper exercise and using better attention on it. As the age goes its hard to overcome as we predicted.
Bad Cholesterol: Non-Veg Foods, High CalorieUnhealthy Foods
Good CHigh-Calorie foods.
How to Maintain Good and Bad Cholesterol:?
*Check Cholesterol Level 3month intervals.
*If happens to see TDL (Total cholesterol )more than 200 range, seek a doctor for the attention of what type of cholesterol is high in your body. i.e, Try to know that HDL or LDL in TDL is high on your body.
*Try to Have Pure Pomegranate and Mint Lemon Juice in your daily habit.
*Use walk exercise 20 min daily.
This is Enough for your body to maintain cholesterol if you happened with LDL and HDL.
If you Got any more doubts. Feel free to drop your queries below.
Medical Students and Passionate Entrepreneur from UK