2 Reasons to be Happy

2 Reasons to be Happy

Did you know that a positive attitude can prevent the development of diseases such as cholesterolemia or the presence of high levels of cholesterol in the blood? Happiness is a specially made outfit that we can fine-tune according to our possibilities. In general, a lot of people think that to be happy we need to have a great and contented life. But it is not like that. To be happy is in our own hands.


In fact, a good way to be unhappy is to act as if things are just right and, as a result, there are no negative emotions. It is obvious that this pretension is not possible. On the other hand, there are a lot of studies in respected universities all over the world that show that happiness is related to our physical condition and, therefore, to our health. Scientists have proved that we can be happy.


Scientists have already proven that when we are happy we are less likely to be ill with disorders such as anxiety and depression. Here, it is very important to note the scientist’s point if we consider the fact that in two years, depression will be the second cause of disability in the world. On the other hand, being happy helps strengthen our immune and cardiovascular systems. As a result, happiness can directly benefit our health.


Let's see two reasons that make clear why happiness can directly have an effect on our health.

1. According to a researcher and doctor, mental health is an element equal or more important than physics in the opinion of one's health. Psychological problems are much more related to unhappiness than physical problems.

2. Pessimists or negative people die early than the optimists; People who live long are the least depressed. Those who express more positive feelings live long.  


About the Author

Rajaraman K

Rajaraman K

I am an aspiring writer and blogger.

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